Stephanie Donaldson
Ryland, Peters and Small, distributed
by SPG
$NZ64.95, $AUS59.95
IN winter, gardens can
be anything but peaceful - especially if you have to trample through
ankle-deep mud to get to your vege garden. Nonetheless, peaceful
retreats are a key facet of modern landscaping, and Stephanie Donaldson
captures the essence of the idea in her new book.
Peaceful Gardens
is a tranquil read, with gorgeous, misty photographs to accompany
the well-written text. The book is divided into three main sections:
Peaceful Shapes and Spaces, Tranquillity for the Senses, and Scent
and Sound.
Donaldson begins with
an examination of the elements of peaceful gardens, including symmetry
and balance, the importance of keeping it simple with restricted
colour palettes and spaces for contemplation. Her argument is insightful
and useful, with plenty of tips for gardeners wanting to revamp
overdone sections, without radically altering the existing design.
Tranquillity for the
Senses discusses how to use soothing colours and textures in combination
with light and shade to create a peaceful ambience, while the Scent
and Sound chapters concentrate on fragrant plants, herbs and water.
Peaceful Gardens
is a glossy coffee table book, but it offers more than just
pretty pictures.
For the theoretical gardener
- or the hands-on gardener who has been forced indoors by inclement
weather - it's a thought-provoking and satisfying read.
Gardener, Issue 123, 2003, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH