of Cosmic
Charles Jencks
Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International
A WEIGHTY tome that tells
the story of one of Europe's most important landscaped gardens -
Portrack, the Scottish home of international architectural critic
and designer Charles Jencks and his late wife, landscape architect
Maggie Keswick.
The Garden of Cosmic
Speculation is based on a series of "visual metaphors" installed
at Portrack, from conceptual sculptures to massive earthworks that
redefine contemporary landscape architecture.
A large, glossy coffee
table book, it spells out Jencks' design philosophy in detail, with
working drawings and explanations of the many large-scale features
at Portrack.
Not a gardening book
as such, The Garden of Cosmic Speculation will appeal to
designers and landscape architects who want a fresh perspective
on their profession - and on how we view nature.
Gardener, Issue 133, 2003, Page 31
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH