Miracle of Mulch
Mary Horsfall
New Holland
WHO would have thought
it possible to publish an entire book about mulch? Mary Horsfall,
an organic gardener for 25 years, is obviously a passionate mulch-maker,
because her enthusiasm for the subject is what makes this down-to-earth
guide such a worthy read. Where other such books have boggled readers
with technical detail, The Miracle of Mulch spells it out
Find out the science
behind why you should mulch, when to do it and what to use - from
pond algae to paper, peat and even plastic.
The Miracle of Mulch
is a small book, but a good investment for any gardener committed
to soil health and eco-friendly gardening.
Gardener, Issue 134, 2003, Page 33
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH