Successful Gardening the Natural Way
Bob Flowerdew
Kyle Cathie, distributed by Reed
THIS is British eco-gardening
guru Bob Flowerdew's fourth book (earlier subjects included companion
planting and "no-work" gardening).
His persuasive message
is that organic gardening is not necessarily complex - all plants
want to grow and the organic gardener's role is just to remove the
Starting with the premise
that the organic gardener feeds the soil, not the plant, Flowerdew
traverses various aspects of gardening - fruit, flowers, herbs,
etc - in this densely-packed, but readable, book.
Perhaps the most interesting
chapter is on the control of pests and diseases - the area conventional
gardeners see as their organic counterparts' Achilles heel.
Gardening without chemicals
is a definite growth area and Bob Flowerdew's Organic Bible
is a great reference book for anyone wanting to explore a more
natural approach to gardening.
Gardener, Issue 135, 2003, Page 32
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH