Spirit of Bonsai Design
Combine the Power of Zen and Nature
Chye Tan
Cameron House,
distributed by Bookwise International
THE painstaking appeal
of bonsai may escape us Kiwis, accustomed as we are to prolific
space. But with the quarter-acre section besieged by infill housing
and urban apartments, this creative Japanese art of rendering nature
in miniature could be the "next big thing".
Don't be deterred by
the book's sub-heading: "Combine the power of Zen and nature", as
the explanations of the relevance of this form of Buddhism to bonsai
are illuminating. The spiritual doesn't eclipse the practical, either.
There's an excellent section on technique, with details of the tools
needed for shaping.
The Spirit of Bonsai
Design is a worthwhile read. By the way, there's a Kiwi connection
for author Chye Tan. He admits to inventing his own bonsai style
after being inspired by Lord of the Rings. One scene in
Peter Jackson's masterpiece - showing the enormous gnarled roots
of a tree where the hobbits took shelter from their enemies has
spawned - you've guessed it - Tan's "Hobbit style" of bonsai.
Gardener, Issue 136, 2003, Page 36
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH