Birds, Bees &
Farm Stock
Jan Conning
RD 6, Tauranga
AN impetuous plunge into
a lifestyle block can skittle dreams and dent the bank balance beyond
recognition. Here then are some pointers to the recipe for success.
Whether the holding is 60 acres, like the author's, or a sixth that
size, realising a rural idyll demands enthusiasm, tenacity and patience.
Judging by her self-published
account, Jan Conning has these qualities in abundance. When Jan
and her husband Bill bought an untamed Bay of Plenty block it already
supported a wealth of wildlife. The book describes the steps they
took to enhance this habitat, particularly for birdlife, by planting
and nurturing suitable trees and what they learnt as they forged
Planting for Birds,
Bees and Farm Stock reads more like a neighbourly chat over
the boundary fence than a 10-acre block primer. However, if the
author has found something successful whether tree type,
tips on raiding ducklings or weedmat brand she lets you know
about it.
At 95-pages, it's relatively
brief, but you'll come away with a dose of vitality peppered with
practical hints. A useful introduction for new rural recruits and
enough "how-to" to absorb the rest of us.
Gardener, Issue 139, 2004, Page 28
(reproduced in Horticulture
in New Zealand:
Journal of the Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture 2005, 8(1): 18)
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH