Clare Matthews
Distributed by Bookwise International
THIS is a book for that
rainy day when the garden is beyond its best and you're in need
of a little bit of inspiration.
While some ideas may
be too extreme for some tastes - take embellishing stones with gold
paint as a decorative mulch - at least they get readers thinking
outside the square. Great Containers opens with a chapter
on colour, looks at container arrangements and groupings and then
tackles the nitty gritty of decorating.
The emphasis is on harmony
or contrast between container and plant, but note that materials
for decoration may be difficult to get here (again, this is a British
book). One idea, having an olive grove in squat terracotta planters
with lavender at the base of each tree, is sure to find fans. Simple
but effective.
A section on painting
pots clearly explains sealing and priming various materials and
discusses techniques like marbling and gilding. Last, but not least,
plant care gets a thorough once over.
Gardener, Issue 145, 2004, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH