New Zealand Pleasure Garden
for the Senses
Beatrice Hale
Longacre Press
DUNEDIN gardener/author
Beatrice Hale's enthusiasm for the therapeutic benefits and sensory
delights of gardening set the tone for this delightful book. Beatrice
Hale works with the elderly and disabled, a calling that has obviously
sharpened her appreciation.
The section headings
- such as The Fragrant Garden; The Pleasures of Taste; The Sensuous
Garden - give an idea of the book's general approach.
Pleasure Garden is
not your usual "how-to" title. However, its conversational style
is peppered with a wealth of useful tips and its refreshing directness
leaves the reader in no doubt about the writer's authenticity.
Here's an excerpt from
her section on colour: "I like a riot of colour and in consequence
tend to have a spotty or patchy garden. For years I have kept a
diary to try to learn from the mistakes made . nowadays, I revert
to the experts for advice."
The chapter on overcoming
the limitations of space, time, mobility and dexterity has lots
of useful tips and ends with the cheerful advice: "Never forget
gardening is for everyone."
Very reasonably priced
and with a compelling cover from the work of Nelson artist Jane
Evans, this is an inspiring paperback that will appeal to many Weekend
Gardener readers.
Gardener, Issue 145, 2004, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH