Natural Gardener
The Way We All Want to Garden
Val Bourne
Distributed by Bookwise International
English garden writer
Val Bourne makes it quite clear which side of the fence she's on
- gardening for her is part of a larger picture, making a friendly
habitat for wildlife.
Her conversion to natural
gardening came in tandem with her understanding of the complexity
of her garden's eco-system.
This personal account
stem's from Bourne's 15 years' gardening in a dryish corner of the
Cotswolds. For Bourne, gardening is to "go with what you've got,
exploit each area and overcome difficulties creatively - choosing
your plants accordingly".
There's a fascinating
wealth of material in this season- by-season account relayed with
a quiet passion. Snippets such as the portraits of the bumblebee,
honeybee and hedgehog and her tips on companion planting leaven
the book.
This book blends the
practical with the romance of gardening - a fireside tonic for winter
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH