Paul Bangay
Photos by Simon Griffiths
Published by Penguin Viking
ACROSS the Tasman Paul
Bangay is something of a household name when it comes to creating
gardens with style.
In this large-format
book the young landscape designer walks the reader through a number
of his projects, many of them for the grander breed of Aussie garden.
There's a bit more to
this book than just "wallpaper", though. Bangay's text gives a glimpse
into the way a top designer must approach a job - what must be taken
into account in the forbidding task of integrating the various elements
of a large job to ensure a harmonious outcome.
"A successful garden,"
he says, "has a strong sense of identity: each component of the
design has a purpose, either aesthetic of practical; and all elements
work together to achieve a coherent whole."
The garden that is perhaps
the easiest to relate to is that of his mother, the last one dealt
with. Bangay grew up in this garden and saw it evolve through various
styles. Deciding that, along the way, the form had been lost, they
decided to start from scratch. The result appears tantalisingly
stunning. It's a pity there aren't more pictures of it. The Defined
Garden will attract the design buff or those trawling for ideas
for a garden revamp.
Gardener, Issue 148, 2004, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH