for Small Spaces
Japanese Courtyard Gardens
Katsuhiko Mizuno
Kodansha International
Distributed by Reed
THE Japanese are the
acknowledged maestros of small-space gardening. This beautifully
presented and produced hard-back reveals the tranquil splendour
of tsuboniwa, ancient Japanese courtyard gardens. The highlight
of the book is the 100 photographs of various Kyoto gardens, many
of them from the palaces, temples and shrines that pepper the area.
Katsuhiko Mizuno is a renowned photographer - this is his 101st
book - and his work captures the essence of this aesthetic - its
order, peace and spirituality.
Landscapes for Small
Spaces is a far cry from the usual coffee table ornament - of
interest to those who may want their own tsuboniwa is the author's
detailed account recreating a courtyard garden in an urban setting.
Gardener, Issue 157, 2004, Page 23
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH