Made Easy
Olivier de Vleeschouwer
Photography Caroline Mayer/Gilles Le Scanff
Published by Hachette Illustrated
Distributed by Bookwise
Reviewed by Mike Gowing
roses ever easy? The emphasis of this clear and stylishly produced
hardback is on the perplexing task of choosing the right rose. To
this end, Roses Made Easy is largely a back-to-basics, encapsulating
knowledge that will be second nature for the experienced rosarian.
There's the mandatory
brief history, followed by a short discussion of rose shapes and
suitable planting positions. Ten growing tips preface the lengthy
section "Useful Information", which deals with tools, buying, planting,
feeding, step-by-step pruning and so on.
The appeal of the book
will be its comprehensive stylish outlines of various rose types,
particularly a colour-by-colour catalogue. Excellent photographs
of each type are accompanied by a description, the preferred position
and bullet points on their characteristics. A bonus is the final
section on plant combinations sympathetic to various roses.
Shame to see the word
"resilient" spelt wrongly in a section heading - you have to trust
the names of the many varieties discussed had a more thorough proof-reading.
Gardener, Issue 165, 2005, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH