Edwardian Lady's Flower Album
Agnes Katherine Landale
France Lincoln
Distributed by Bookwise
Reviewed by Rob Gordon
SOME of us, like Mary
Clare Cornwallis, will have fond childhood memories of roaming the
house of an elderly relative and the excitement of discovering reminders
of a bygone era.
For Cornwallis, it was
"all manner of things - beads, ostrich feather fans, Ascot hats
and leather spats." There was also a large green box containing,
as she puts it, "the special treasure you are holding today", a
beautifully bound book in green leather with gold lettering for
the title: Flower Calendar 1913 A.K. Landale.
In the preface, Cornwallis
traces the life of her great-grandmother Aggie Landale and describes
the garden surrounding Aggie's large house in a Surrey village.
Tended by a team of eight gardeners, it had far-reaching views to
a lake, the village church and beyond. It was also the inspiration
for this finely illustrated work that was completed just three years
before her death.
With its verse and fresh
watercolours depicting an intriguing range of flowers and plants,
this is a happy reminder of the timeless joys of gardening and a
pointer to a time when simple pleasures brought joy to others..
Gardener, Issue 184, 2005, Page 41
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH