the Good Life
How one family changed their world from their own
Linda Cockburn
Hardie Grant
Distributed by Southern Publishers Group
KIWI-born Linda Cockburn
and her Aussie partner, Trevor Wittmer - fed up with the daily consumer
grind - commit themselves to trying sustainable living for six months
in Queensland suburbia.
The couple, with young
son Caleb, opt for solar energy, using rainwater and growing all
their own produce. Here, then is a warts-and-all account of the
trials and tribulations of their experiment. You get to know about
the nutritional value of snails, the frustrations of fetta cheesemaking
and the environmental impact of disposable nappies. Laced with plenty
of facts and figures about how we treat our planet, this makes for
an entertaining, instructive read for anyone with a "green" conscience.
Gardener, Issue 205, 2006, Page 34
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH