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More Papers from the Potting ShedBOOK REVIEWS

More Papers from the Potting Shed
A new collection of unpredictable essays on gardens, gardeners and garden history

Charles Elliott
Frances Lincoln
Distributed by Bookwise

AS renowned plantswoman Helen Dillon opines, the fact that it's hard to decide if Charles Elliot is a gardener who writes or a writer who gardens, suggests that he's brilliant at both.

Here is dry wit and wisdom on topics from growing potatoes to the contribution of the late, great landscaper Christopher Lloyd.

There's even a sidewise glance at the excesses of Chelsea Flower Show ("Is it gardening. Or is it gardening gone mad?").

An erudite, enjoyable potpourri.

Weekend Gardener, Issue 205, 2006, Page 34

Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH

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