Ultimate guide to Yard and Garden Sheds
John D Wagner
Published by Creative Homeowner
Distributed by Bookwise
It's a rare gardener who has enough storage - and for those with a DIY bent this book is chockful of inspiration and answers. Advice covers preparatory work, building basics, tools and materials, foundations and building practices, together with step-by-step instructions on how to build five types of garden shed.
There are also blueprints for 12 designs which can be bought from the Creative Homeowner company.
Those who want to get a grasp of fundamentals will find this book invaluable. But, be warned - this is a US publication. This means some materials may be unfamiliar or unavailable here, some designs may not necessarily comply with our codes and you may have to dig out your imperial tape measure.
Gardener, Issue 208, 2006, Page 34
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH