Flowers that Wow
Inspired arrangements for the floral-impaired
70 dramatic, simple, and inexpensive projects
Jonathan Fong
Photos by Jessica Boone
Published by Watson-Guptill
Distributed by Bookwise
You want roses frozen in ice cubes, garlands around your bath or a Bollywood carnation curtain? Then look no further – Jonathan Fong to the rescue.
If you ignore his relentlessly upbeat style (you even get advice on what to snack on, to sustain the creative urge), you may be able to extract an idea or two from the 70 projects here.
Fong is a self-confessed Californian parvenu to the world of floral arrangement. Jane Packer it ain’t, high art it ain’t – but Jonathan Fong is determined to lead the “floral impaired” by the nose into his craft.
You can get a sneak preview of the designs – and the maestro’s attitude – at
Gardener, Issue 212, 2007, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH