World Flowers
Inspiring floral creations from around the world
Jane Packer
Photos by Thomas Stewart
Published by Conran Octopus
Distributed by Hachette
Jane Packer, dubbed “a petal guru”, is recognised as one of the world’s leading florists. Here she takes, in turn, 14 different countries (NZ excepted) as the source of inspiration for her floral craft.
There are clear instructions on how to reproduce the various designs recreated here.
Packer says she wants to show how to draw inspiration from “interiors, furniture, food, colour and texture and how you can blend these influences to work with flowers ...The idea is not to be tied down to what is truly natural.”
Gardener, Issue 212, 2007, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH