Their cultivation and usage
John & Rosemary Hemphill
Published by Allen & Unwin
THE REAL focus here is on the culinary use of some 40 herbs. However, their medicinal uses are touched on – a chart at the rear of the book also traces their health benefits and simple remedies are also given. Cosmetic uses, herbs’ value in companion planting and as insect repellents are also explained.
The authors stress that choosing a spot handy to the kitchen in which to grow your herbs is important, cautioning against raising herbs inside – they need sunlight and fresh air to achieve their true fragrance.
Useful hints are given on using fresh and dried herbs (all the measurements in the book are for fresh herbs). There’s information on harvesting, drying and freezing for each herb and a comprehensive section on propagation and cultivation.
The recipe section is mouth-watering – after reading the various sauces, dressings, condiments and other recipes, you’ll be as hooked on herbs as the authors.
Gardener, Issue 225, 2007, Page 38
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH