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Water Gardening, Water Lilies and LotusesBOOK REVIEWS

Water Gardening
Water Lilies and Lotuses

Perry D. Slocum and Peter Robinson
With Frances Perry
Published by Timber Press, USA, 1996

Reviewed by Mike Oates

This is really two books in one, part one covering every aspect of water gardening from how to make pools, water features, bogs and waterfalls and the plants which can be used, except for water lilies and lotuses, which are dealt with in part two.

It is a collaboration between the English horticulturist Peter Robinson, formerly of Stapeley Water Gardens, and the American Perry D. Slocum, founder of Slocum Water Gardens, and a note-worthy hybridiser of water lilies and lotuses.

Although she did not live to see its completion, Francis Perry started writing the book in 1986 and continued to provide guidance to the authors until her death in 1993.

The book is well-illustrated with colour photos and black and white botanical line drawings.

New Zealand Garden Journal: Journal of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture 1996 1(4): 23

Web Notes:

More information on the late Perry Slocum, the senior author is at

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