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mango from seed
germinated a mango, is it self-fertile? And will a seedling eventually
fruit? I was also interested in the citrus
story (WG 102) as I have a 'Tiniura' that is 30 years old, with
a good annual crop which ripens from September but holds on the
tree until April without affecting the next crop. It doesn't peel
easily, is virtually seedless, tangy and juicy.
The 'Tiniura' was listed
in the Home Orchard, New Zealand Department of Agriculture publication
in 1970 but I've not seen it listed elsewhere. It's actually a hybrid
tangelo and I would thoroughly recommend it.
PS. I would have identified
the WG 102 plant as an
Amorphophallus, as I believe Sauromatum has only a
single leaf per stem. My Amorphophallus is about 8 years
old. It bloomed once, with a dark reddish-brown flower about 70cm
tall, and not too smelly. The thick stem is marbled dark green and
white, with a rosette of huge leaves up to 1 metre long. It is container-grown
in shade on my deck and receives no special care. It's now producing
small tubers which I pot up and give to friends.
can be grown from seed, but they may eventually have to be grafted
like other fruit trees. If your small plant has more than one shoot
on it, you can take these off to get more plants.
The central, most vigorous
shoot is likely to be sexually produced and could be different from
the parent in its fruiting characteristics.
Most of the imported
varieties of mangos sold in supermarkets grow from a single, sexually
produced plant. This is why you may get some variation.
Grafted mangos will fruit
in 4-5 years. The plants are self fertile, but with each cluster
of thousands of flowers, only one in 2000 may actually set fruit.
This strike rate can be reduced dramatically if the plant is growing
rapidly at the time or if the weather is too wet and too cold.
It's great to hear about
your rewarding citrus tree, too. It's good to hold onto the older
varieties as a lot are no longer around and it's often hard to get
new stock.
Gardener, Issue 107, 2002, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.