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Alpine Plants of New Zealand

Book cover - Alpine Plants of New ZealandReproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand
by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf
and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd.

Available from Touchwood Books

Aciphylla colensoi, Speargrass/Spaniard. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Aciphylla colensoi, Speargrass/Spaniard. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Celmisia semicordata, Mountain Daisy/Cotton Plant/Tikuma. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Celmisia semicordata, Mountain Daisy/Cotton Plant/Tikuma. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd.
Aciphylla colensoi, Speargrass/Spaniard Aciphylla colensoi,
Celmisia semicordata,
Mountain Daisy/Cotton Plant/Tikuma
Celmisia semicordata,
Mountain Daisy/Cotton Plant/Tikuma
Dracophyllum longifolium, Grass tree/Inanga/Inaka. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Gentiana bellidifolia. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Leucopogon fraseri, Patotara. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Leucopogon fraseri, Patotara. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd.
Dracophyllum longifolium,
Grass tree/Inanga/Inaka
Leucopogon fraseri,
Leucopogon fraseri,
Pentachondra pumila. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Pratia angulata, Panakenake. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Pratia angulata, Panakenake. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Ranunculus insignis, Korikori. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd.
Pentachondra pumila
Pratia angulata, Panakenake Pratia angulata, Panakenake Ranunculus insignis,
Ranunculus lyallii, Mountain Lily/Mt Cook Lily/Mountain Buttercup/Shepherd's Lily. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Ranunculus lyallii, Mountain Lily/Mt Cook Lily/Mountain Buttercup/Shepherd's Lily. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Raoulia bryoides, Vegetable Sheep. Reproduced from Alpine Plants of New Zealand by kind permission of the author, Lawrie Metcalf and Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd.  
Ranunculus lyallii,
Mountain Lily/Mt Cook Lily/Mountain Buttercup/Shepherd's Lily
Ranunculus lyallii,
Mountain Lily/Mt Cook Lily/Mountain Buttercup/Shepherd's Lily
Raoulia bryoides,
Vegetable Sheep

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Last updated: November 28, 2013