Zealand Native Plants
Images of Native Plants,
courtesy of
Hebe Society (UK).
Photographs taken at the Ventnor
Botanic Garden (Isle of Wight) by Tony
Hayter. Identifications are from the garden's labels.
Click thumbnails to
enlarge images.
Corokia ×virgata |
Haloragis erecta 'Rubra'
Melicytus obovatus
Olearia cheesemanii




Olearia pachyphylla |
Pittosporum crassifolium |
Pittosporum eugenioides
'Variegatum' |
Pittosporum ralphii
'Variegata' |


Pseudopanax 'Adiantifolius' |
Pseudopanax laetus |
New Zealand Native
Plants (Page 1 | Page
2 | Page 3)
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