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Book cover - Common Weeds of New Zealand
Reproduced from
Common Weeds of New Zealand
by Ian Popay, Paul Champion & Trevor James
ISBN 0 473 09760 5
by kind permission of the
New Zealand Plant Protection Society

Publication or other use of images or descriptive text on these pages is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the authors and publisher.
Appropriate acknowledgement of the publication Common Weeds of New Zealand must always be given.

Available from Nationwide Book Distributors


* Books marked with an asterisk may be out of print, but may be available from second-hand bookshops.

Books referred to in
An Illustrated Guide to Common Weeds of New Zealand

Brownsey, P.J. and Smith-Dodsworth, J.C. (1989). New Zealand ferns and allied plants. Bateman Ltd., Auckland.

*Connor, H.E. (1977). The poisonous plants in New Zealand. Second edition. (NZ DSIR Research Bulletin 99.) Government Printer, Wellington.

Edgar, E. and Connor, H.E. (2000). Flora of New Zealand. Volume V. Grasses. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.

*Healy, A.J. (1982). Identification of weeds and clovers. Third edition. Editorial Services, Featherston, New Zealand, 299 pp.

*Healy, A.J. (1984). Standard common names for weeds in New Zealand. Second Edition. New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Society Inc., Hastings, New Zealand, 208 pp.

Healy, A.J. and Edgar, E. (1980). Flora of New Zealand. Volume III. Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous and Spathaceous Monocotyledons. Government Printer, Wellington, pp.

Nicol, E.R. (1997). Common names of plants in New Zealand. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.

Upritchard, E.A. (1985). A guide to the identification of New Zealand common weeds in colour. New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Society (Inc.), Hastings, New Zealand, 127 pp.

Webb, Sykes and Garnock-Jones. (1988). Flora of New Zealand. Volume IV. Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons. Botany Division DSIR, Christchurch, 1364 pp.


Other useful books about New Zealand's Weeds

Auckland Regional Council. (2002). Plant me instead: Plants to use in place of common pest plants. Auckland Regional Council.

*Coffey, B.T. and Clayton, J.S. (1988). New Zealand waterplants: A guide to plants found in New Zealand waters. MAFTechnology, Ruakura Agricultural Centre, Hamilton.

*Esler, A.E. (1988). Naturalisation of plants in urban Auckland. DSIR Publishing.

*Hilgendorf, F.W. (1926 onwards). Weeds of New Zealand and how to eradicate them. Whitcombe and Tombs, Christchurch, New Zealand (several editions).

Hubbard, C.E. (1984). Grasses. A guide to their structure, identification, uses, and distribution in the British Isles. Third edition. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, England, 476 pp.

*Ivens, G.W. and Taylor, R.L. (1985). The New Zealand garden weed book. A guide to identification and control. Reed Methuen, Auckland, 144 pp.

Johnson, P.N. and Brooke, P.A. (1989). Wetland plants in New Zealand. DSIR Publishing, Wellington.

Johnson, P.N. (1997). Pick of the bunch: New Zealand wildflowers book. Longacre Press.

*Lambrechtsen, N. (1986). What grass is that? DSIR Information Series No. 87, third edition. Government Printer, Wellington, 151 pp.

Low, Tim (1991). Wild herbs of Australia and New Zealand. Angus and Robertson, Australia, 160 pp.

*Matthews, L.J. (1973). Weed control by chemical methods. Government Printer, Wellington.

*Parham, B.E.V. and Healy, A.J. (1976). Common weeds in New Zealand. An illustrated guide to their identification. A.R. Shearer, Government Printer, Wellington.

Protect New Zealand. (2002). New Zealand Pest Plant Manual. Protect NewZealand, Wellington.

Taylor, G.M. (2002). Meanings and origins of botanical names of New Zealand plants. Auckland Botanical Society, Auckland.

*Taylor, R.L. (1980). Weeds of crops and gardens in New Zealand. R.L. Taylor, Upper Moutere, New Zealand, 128 pp.

*Taylor, R.L. (1980). Weeds of ponds and streams in New Zealand. R.L. Taylor, Upper Moutere, New Zealand, 32 pp.

*Taylor, R.L. (1981). Weeds of lawns, pasture and lucerne in New Zealand. R.L. Taylor, Upper Moutere, New Zealand, 136 pp.

*Taylor, R.L. (1981). Weeds of roadsides and waste ground in New Zealand. R.L. Taylor, Nelson, New Zealand, 176 pp.


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Web-notes: Weed Links

On this site

Reproduced from Common Weeds of New Zealand:

External Links

WeedbustersWeedbusters New Zealand
Weedbusters is a weeds awareness and education programme that aims to protect New Zealand's environment from the increasing weed problem.
A free tool to assist farmers and agricultural professionals in decision-making regarding weed and pest identification, biology, impact and management.
Weed keyNew Zealand Weeds Key
An interactive identification key to the weeds of New Zealand. Developed at Landcare Research.

New Zealand Plant Conservation Network naturalised plants
Search for information on more than 2500 naturalised and weedy plants.
NZ Plant Protection SocietyNew Zealand Plant Protection Society
Their main objective: "To pool and exchange information on the biology of weeds, invertebrate and vertebrate pests, pathogens and beneficial organisms and methods for modifying their effects."
Massey UniversityMassey University Weeds Database
A site providing information about New Zealand weeds and weed control. It has a series of pages showing pictures of New Zealand weeds, notes on identification and control. It also provides information on a university paper entitled Controlling Weeds.

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