Education Trust

RNZIH New Zealand
Education Trust

The RNZIH Education Trust manages the Young Horticulturist of the Year competition on behalf of the RNZIH, the sponsors and the horticulture industry.

The competition was launched in 2005 and is managed and run by the RNZIH Education Trust, a voluntary group of industry professionals.

The Vision of the RNZIH Education Trust is to help seed the future now. This is done through attracting the best people from across all horticultural industries to engage and invest in their competition.

The Purpose of the RNZIH Education Trust

The purpose of the RNZIH Education Trust is to assist and promote, in any way possible, horticultural training and education at both the regional and national level in New Zealand and in particular to:

  • Assist training organisations, and in particular the Primary Industries Training Organisation (Primary ITO), in the establishment and review of training and unit standards
  • Set and assess professional standards of workmanship expected of students in all sectors of the horticultural industry
  • Promote and provide scholarship and prize schemes for horticultural students.

Visit the Education Trust website

Related content

The RNZIH website regularly publishes updates on the Education Trust in our newsletters and journal, including:

2016 Young Horticulturist of the Year winning speech by Andrew Hutchinson.